Heat and Smiles

Ok, so the days have become exponentially warmer. Today is only 99 degrees, but the past two days have been 104 and 105 degree heat. This isn’t a problem for me. I certainly don’t find the heat insufferable. HOWEVER. Part of my workout is riding my bike 20 miles every other day, which in 104 degree heat might as well be a walk in the Sahara with only my sweat glands to keep me company. No thanks. Early morning or late nights is what it will have to be from here on out. So I set out at 7:30 AM for my bike ride and yet, by the time I made it home the temperature had already climbed to 82. Good grief.

It’s kind of nice to ride in the morning. There’s fewer people on the trail at the time which is nice, because I’m not forced to dodge and weave amongst soccer moms with strollers. And I don’t have to contend with hoodlum kids on their low-ridaz bikes. Hah! When I rode this morning, I found myself feeling relieved that I was getting it over with early on, instead of having to think “Oh, I still have that bike ride later.”

On top of that, I was feeling a little extra congenial this morning. And there’s a lot to be said for a smile. I pass a lot of people on the trail who are different than I am, and who are in all kinds of shape, and who are all kinds of ages. Today I passed an Indian (not Native American) woman who was walking, and she didn’t look unhappy to start with. But the minute I flashed her a smile as I rode past, she returned it. And others on the trail sharing an acknowledging nod or even the rare “Good morning” (which I admit is mostly rare because I’m blasting some music through my iPod). I found myself in thought for part of the ride, that a simple smile can brighten a day for even an instant. Don’t be a downer.

Did you know that if you type in any date on Wikipedia that it will give you all sorts of information about special events, births, deaths, and holidays that land on that particular day? Well, you can.

And on that note, today is the Catholic Church’s feast day for Marie of Oignies. You can visit her shrine in Belgium. Isn’t that just the most interesting thing you’ve ever heard?

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